Simple Summer Pleasures

There are a lot of little things in life that I tend to take for granted. But being back in a couple Third World Countries this summer has reminded me of how fortunate I am. Even the basic running water and electricity aren’t guaranteed here. Despite that, there are so many little things that make my days full of joy and happiness.  So in the spirit of that, and since it’s summer, here are two summer blessings that I was fortunate enough to have today 🙂


1. Blackberry milkshake
Berries are one of my most favorite fruits in the world. I would probably eat them every day if I could. And I am taking every opportunity to eat them this summer, while they are in season (ie. they are cheaper). And not only are they delicious, they are really good for you! I’ve been eating them both plain and with other foods as toppings, and today I made a blackberry milkshake. My goodness, it was so good. It’s not a typical flavor for milkshakes, but I will definitely be making it again! A scoop of ice cream, a drizzle of milk, and a handful of mashed blackberries never tasted so good~~


2. Soccer on a green field
Regardless of if you like soccer or not, is that not one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen? Freshly mowed green grass and mountains in the distance. It’s wonderful. And I got to play on that field with my family. I don’t think that much can top the combination of beautiful nature, soccer, and family for me. Also, there’s a story behind this field. It’s at my old high school, but we were never allowed to play on it, while I was in school, as they were growing the grass. While I never played an official soccer game on this field, being able to come back and play on it is an absolute treat!

What are some things that have been blessings in your life? Look around, because I will guarantee you, there are more things than you think!

The Gift of Giving

Look what happens when a machine says thank you to people 🙂

It’s really easy for me to get caught up in all that I need to do in a day, and doing things for others tends to come second in my priorities. Videos and stories like these though remind me of how powerful and important others are as well. The people that used that ATM were average people that you would see on the street. But their stories are so touching (I mean, I cried a little just watching the clip). You could brighten someone’s day with a simple bouquet of flowers, or maybe even a coffee drink. And wouldn’t the satisfaction of seeing someone so joyful be worth it? It doesn’t have to be a huge gift like going to Disney, but do something to thank someone else, and see the joy spread.

Snaps to TD for this video 🙂