Food Rescue 101

So… this blog post has been about two days in the making. Because you see, there’s a story behind it.

Yesterday, I wanted to try and make something new for dinner. I really am usually a good cook (or at least I thought I was… 🙂 ) I’ve been trying to eat less bread and such, which has been going pretty well so far. It’s surprising how much of a difference not eating bread makes! Anyways, I found a healthy version of lasagna, which substitutes zucchini for the lasagna noodles. I had some zucchini on hand, so I decided to try and make it!

Also, it was my first time using a mandolin. They are super useful in achieving thin slices quickly, but if you ever use one, watch your hands, that blade is sharp!

Before: IMG_3522

After (yay!):


I prepared everything according to the recipe, and thought that it was going pretty well (haha…I should have known better).

Doesn’t that look good though? It went in the oven to bake, and I Skyped one of my best friends for a nice chat.
When it was time to take the lasagna out of the oven, it still looked good to me:


I let it sit for 10 or so minutes, as the recipe directed, and then cut a piece to eat. It smelled really good, so I didn’t think twice about it. Much to my dismay though, it was extremely salty! I had tasted the sauce beforehand, and it had tasted delicious, but somehow during the cooking process, a lot of water must have evaporated or something…
I managed to finish my piece, but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to eat the rest of the lasagna, as salty as it was. I really don’t like wasting food though, so I tried to think of ways to repurpose the lasagna. (I seem to be doing this a lot recently…maybe I’ll start a blog on how to fix cooking disasters? >_<)

My first thought was to turn it into a dip to spread on my rice crackers for lunch. I tried that today…it was still really salty…Thank goodness I had used zucchini slices instead of pasta for my lasagna, because my next idea wouldn’t have worked as well if I had used pasta. Since most of the ingredients in my “healthy” lasagna were vegetables, and the majority of it was tomatoes, I figured, why not make tomato soup out of it? So I added all of the lasagna and some water into my blender and blended it until it was smooth. Then I poured that with some more water and a little bit of milk into a saucepan, and I let that simmer for a while. And voilà! I now have delicious, creamy, spicy, tomato soup, that is not salty anymore!


I didn’t really want to eat soup by itself for dinner, so I made some biscuits to go along with my soup. Thank goodness I have made these biscuits countless times. They’re pretty much foolproof in my book 🙂 They turned out wonderfully as usual:


Yes, it is bread, but I decided I could splurge a little today~~

So finally, I had tomato soup and warm biscuits for dinner tonight.


And if this can’t convince you that mistakes can always be turned around, I don’t know what can.